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组委会打算编选研讨会精选论文集,该论文集将于2025年由圣彼得堡大学出版社发表。愿意发表论文的代表,请在2024年8月1日以前把论文全文发给ifel@spbu.ru 。论文将经过匿名评审,组委会将在9月15日以前宣布论文入选结果。组委会自己负责把论文翻译成俄文。论文的字数应该在4000-8000汉字以内, 零需要提交中文摘要200-400汉字和英文摘要500-1000字母左右,中文和英文关键词各5个。论文后要加文献名单(按引述顺序排列),文献链接如下 [3, p. 46].


  1. Williams E.Т. Witchcraft in the Chinese Penal Code // Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 1907. Vol. 38. P. 61–96.
  2. 金春平. 荒诞生活的虚构、复仇与反讽—评刘震云《吃瓜时代的儿女们》// 当代文坛. 2018. 第3期. 118–123 页 [Jin Chunping. Falsehood, Revenge, and the Absurd Irony of Life — Liu Zhenyun’s Novel “Strange Bedfellows” // Dangdai Wentan, 2018, no. 3, pp. 118–123.] (In Chinese)
  3. 陈建华. 二十世纪中俄文学关系. 北京,高等教育出版社,2002.  [Comparison between Chinese Literature and Russian Literature of the 20th Century. Beijing: Gaodeng Jiaoyu Chubanshe, 2002. ] (In Chinese)
  4. McMahon K. Polygamy and Sublime Passion: Sexuality in China on the Verge of Modernity. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2010.
    5. 周敦頤. 周敦頤集. [Zhou Dunyi. Collected works of Zhou Dunyi.] URL: https://ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&res=71310 (accessed on 30.07.2020). (In Chinese)