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5. Literatures of Far East & South East Asia: Past and Present Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Cconference. June 27–29, 2024 72 head of the main character, who is lost between death and life and has a rather distorted vision of reality. As for the problematics, historical memory and trauma are the core of the novel. Futhermore, the country’s tragedies are represented indirectly, in the form of more personal stories, mainly of Kazu and his family. Keywords: Japanese literature, postmodern literature, historical memory, collective trauma, stream of consciousness. Chesnokova Nataliya (HSE University), chesnatalie@gmail.com The Mysterious “Invisible General” in Fairy-tales Recorded by N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky In 1898, Nikolay G. Garin-Mikhailovsky (1852–1906) visited the Korean Peninsula with a research expedi- tion led by Alexander I. Zvegintsev. The main task of the expedition was to study Mt Paektu for the possible development of shipping in the northern part of the peninsula.At the same time, Nikolay G. Garin-Mikhailovsky collected ethnographic material and described meetings and conversations with Koreans and Chinese. He was most interested in Korean fairy tales. My research focuses on the analysis of one of the tales he collected, namely the one that explained the origins of the confrontation between two clans: the ruling Yi clan and the Park clan, the clan of the head of the region. According to this tale, the ancestors of the current Yi and Park clans were previously invisible “heroes born of a woman and the ray of a sacred mountain.” They fought in the form of dragons, and the yellow dragon, Yi’s ancestor, won. Though Park’s ancestor promised that in five hundred years the Parks would be in power. We analyze this tale in the context of the concept of the coming of the “true man” Jeong Jin-in, the “savior of people.” Many uprisings of the 18th-19th centuries used the image of Jeong Jin-in to convince the peasants of the inevitability of the collapse of the Yi dynasty. A story that is similar to the tale mentioned above was told by one of the captured conspirators. Accordingly, I compare these stories and try to identify how the “true man” and the “invisible hero” are related to each other. To do this, I turn to the belief system characteristic of the northern part of the Korean Peninsula at the late Joseon period. Keywords: Joseon, Korean shamanism, Jeong Jin-in, Jeong Gam nok. Dressler Jan R. (Asia-Africa-Institute, University of Hamburg), janrdressler@gmail.com On the Subject of the Virtuous Courtesan in Siamese and Northern Thai Adaptations of the Apocryphal Jataka Lokaneyyappakara ṇ a Premodern Buddhist literature from the Southeast Asian mainland, including Thailand, has, for vari- ous reasons, only recently begun to receive due attention beyond the limited circles of philologists and Buddhologists. For historians of culture and society, for instance, religious literature from the region in its Pali and vernacular form remains a repository of information on historical experiences as well as changes in norms and values to be discovered and utilized. A substantial share of this literary heritage consists of apocryphal Jataka tales, which oftentimes imitate in form and purpose the canonical birth stories of the Pali Tipiṭaka and its commentary but also incorporate folklorist elements characteristic of the region of their crea- tion. Probably composed in the 14th century in Chiang Mai by an unknown author, the apocryphal Jataka “Lokaneyyappakaraṇa” distinguishes itself by the wealth of didactic verses on worldly matters incorporated therein. In a particularly significant episode of the tale, the anonymous author describes how representatives of the different estates of a premodern polity ought to master the challenges posed by an imperfect and tempting world and to fulfill their respective duties in society. Extending his concern and sympathy beyond members