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5. Literatures of Far East & South East Asia: Past and Present Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Conference. June 27–29, 2024 71 Baldanmaksarova Elizaveta (IWL RAS), liza.bur@mail.ru The Problem of Self-Realization of a Creative Personality in a Novel “White, Black, Red” by the Modern Mongolian Writer G. Ayurzana G. Ayurzana’s novel “White, Black, Red” (2014), dedicated to the theme of creative self-realization of the individual, is multidimensional and very complex. The problem of artistic analysis of the process of creative work, an attempt to comprehend the nature of inspiration, the secrets of creativity in Mongolian literature is quite new, and therefore relevant and of particular interest. This is one of the most difficult artistic problems, and perhaps it is dictated today by the time itself and the process of literary development. The main character of the novel is the artist Rencenra. The novel is based on the theme of the responsibility of a modern artist, his behavior in creativity and in everyday life. The multidimensionality of the connections “artist — time — society” is enhanced by the internal drama of Renzenra’s creative searches. The concept of time and space in the novel is capacious and large-scale. The hero’s thinking is free, his location is not local (he travels not only in Mongolia, but also in Europe, periodically lives and works in Switzerland, etc.), he embraces not only the Eastern world, but also the European one, without losing his paintings have characteristic traditional features characteristic of Mongolian art. The entire structure of the novel, despite the seemingly unhurried action (the hero’s reflections on the characteristic phenomena occurring in Mongolian society, on the impact of the epic “Dzhangar”, on various trends in art, etc.), is full of tension, drama, and therefore the plot of the novel is dynamic . Capturing the “spirit of the times”, the state of a creative person, society and putting forward new criteria for the artist to reflect changes and shifts in life is not an easy task, but necessary for understanding the aesthetic demands that time itself puts forward. Along with the philosophical beginning in the novel, we find a picturesque, figurative vision of the world, associated with the figurative and emotional expressiveness. Keywords: Mongolian literature, novel, G. Ayurzana, creative self-realization of personality, color symbolism. Borkina Anastasia (HSE University (Saint Petersburg)), an_borkina@mail.ru The Tragedy of the Country or the Personal Drama: Historical Memory and Trauma in Yu Miri’s Novel “Tokyo Ueno Station” Yu Miri (born 1968) is a prominent contemporary writer of Korean origins, writing in Japanese. She began her literature career in theatre, then from 1990-s started to create works of fiction. Her literary works have won a number of awards in Japan, including the prestigious Akutagawa and Noma prizes. Yu Miri’s novel “Tokyo Ueno station” was published in 2014. As she herself mentions, the idea came to her back in 2006, while she was collecting materials about the life of the homeless in Tokyo's Ueno park. She actually began writing it after 2011, when she started her work in northeast Japan, affected severely due to the Tohoku earthquake, the tsunami and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. In the middle of the novel’s plot stands the life path of a man called Kazu, born in Fukushima prefecture, who spent most of his life away from home — first working as a day laborer in the neighbouring northeast regions, then going to Tokyo to build the Olympic sites. He spends his last years in Tokyo as well, becoming a homeless person in Ueno park. “Tokyo Ueno station” is following the main principles of a postmodern novel. The narration is non-linear, the text's structure resembles what is called a rhizome, where numerous streams and the polyphony of the characters' voices follow different directions along the main line of Kazu’s life. One of the basic artistic techniques in the novel is the stream of consciousness — throughout the whole story a reader stays in the