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Far Eastern Literatures in Russia & Russian Literature in the Far Eastern & South-East Asian Countries... 69 Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Conference. June 27–29, 2024 and their attitude to it. Migrants from Central China and emigrants from the Russian Empire met on the territory of the Far Eastern frontier, forced to leave their native places, native people, ancestral graves and adapt (survive) in new conditions unusual for themselves. The meeting of two ethnic groups in typologically similar conditions of the borderlands and the typologically close status of people who lost their homeland at a certain point in time generates similar reflections of the image of the Motherland. Russian Russian and Chinese writers of the Far Eastern frontier have typological similarities in the reflection of the image of the motherland due to the attitude rooted in Russian and Chinese consciousness towards the motherland as the land of ancestors, which has an attractive, healing power, which is sacred. In the works of Russian writers of Far Eastern emigration (A. Achair, M. Kolosova, A. Nesmelov, N. Shchegolev, V. Pereleshin, Yu. Kruzenshtern-Peterets), the image of the Motherland acquires a conservative character, and in the works of Chinese Northeastern writers (Xiao Hong, Xiao Jun, Duanmu Hunliang, etc.) — prognostic. At the same time, the mythological and neo-mythological nature of these attitudes allows us to judge the conceptually important image of a strong and integral Homeland for the Russian and Chinese consciousness — the land of the fathers and the native land. Keywords: the image of the motherland, the Far Eastern frontier, ethnic consciousness, Chinese litera- ture, Russian literature. Zemlyanskaya Kseniya (Amur State University), phlox@mail.ru The Image of a Chinese Teacher in Venedikt Mart's Story “The Man with a Balloon” and the Tradition in the Depiction of Teachers in Chinese Literature of the 1920s–1930s In feudal China, a teacher is a respected person, a mentor, whom students should look up to, whose opinion they listen to. At the beginning of the twentieth century, there was a transformation of ideas about the teacher in Chinese culture. This happens under the influence of crisis historical events of the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries. The crisis of the Qing monarchy and the subsequent overthrow of the Manchu Qing dynasty, mass revolutionary uprisings and movements, riots, the Xinhai Revolution and other factors influenced the revision of the traditional feudal foundations of the attitude towards the teacher. In literature, this process was reflected in the works of Chinese writers of the first half of the twentieth century — for example, in the story “Mr. Pan in Hard Times” (1924) and the story “The School Principal” (1924) by Ye Shengtao. Ye Shengtao's teacher is faced with the choice of individual survival and adaptation to the opinion of the majority or following the traditions of Chinese society in new, changed conditions. This is the image of a middle-class intellectual, looking only for the joys of life, trying to improve his life. The writer notes that in a new era for China, the teaching profession is chosen by people who are completely unprepared and have no calling for it. At the end of the 1920s, the Soviet writer Venedikt Mart, who has a reputation as an expert on the East in Soviet literature, wrote the story “The Man with the Ball,” where he depicts the image of the teacher Zhao-Ling, a book-reader and drug addict who tortures children at school, who at the end of the story becomes a traitor and punisher of his fellow villagers. In this story, the writer traces the trend of the impoverishment of the teacher’s image. We do not know whether Venedikt Mart, who is fluent in Chinese and lived in Harbin for several years, read these works, but in his own Chinese story this tendency is clearly visible by the writer. Keywords: Venedikt Mart, “Man with a Balloon”, Chinese literature of the 1920–1930s, the image of a teacher, Ye Shengtao