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Far Eastern Literatures in Russia & Russian Literature in the Far Eastern & South-East Asian Countries... 66 Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Cconference. June 27–29, 2024 Vinogradova Tatiana (Russian Academy of Sciences Library), ptat-vinogradova2008@yandex.ru V. M. Alekseev’s Struggle with the Exotic in the Writings about China. Part One: Vladimir Rudman V. M. Alekseev was skeptical about using of Chinese realities in fiction. Now few people remember the works criticized by V. M. Alekseev for exoticism, and his claims are not always clear. Among Russian writ- ers, Vladimir Rudman was criticized for the novella «The Substituent of the “Mortal Demon”» published in the 2nd issue of the Leningrad literary and artistic magazine “Zvezda” in 1936 (pp. 64–104). In his rejection of this work, V. M. Alekseev went as far as attempts at organizational influence on the author and publish- ers, appealing to Maxim Gorky. The story is an excerpt from the novel about the Taiping uprising, and the episode “Five lang of Silver” published a year earlier (“Zvezda”, 1935, No. 8. pp. 70–121), did not make any impression on V. M. Alekseev. The writer described in detail the cases from the early childhood of the future leader of the Taiping Hong Xiu-quan, so the novel was supposed to be huge. We can reconstruct the biography of Vladimir Rudman only according to his bibliography. He was born in 1901 and in his youth was active in Vladivostok and in Blagoveshchensk. At the end of the 30s, he published his first translations of the works of Lu Xin and Mao Dun (the novel “Before Dawn”, 1937), as well as an article about music in the Chinese theater. For the magazines “Zvezda" and “Siberian Lights” Vl. Rudman wrote reviews of various publications on Oriental subjects. In the early 1950-th he publishes articles on new Chinese literature in the Minsk magazine “Polymya” in Belarusian, so he is now considered as the founder of Belarusian Sinologi- cal literary studies. Obviously, Vl. Rudman did not deserve Alexeyev’s accusations of unprofessionalism. V. M. Alekseev’s violent reaction caused by Vl. Rudman’s experiments with language, stylization under the spoken Chinese language. Reading his prose is not easy, it is simply impossible for a non-Sinologist, but initiated by V. M. Alekseev’s public campaign of condemnation seems disproportionate to the offense. Keywords: V. M. Alekseev (1881–1951), Vladimir Rudman (1901–?), «The Substituent of the “Mortal Demon”», “Zvezda” magazine, Maxim Gorky, Taiping uprising. Wen Jian, Zheng Qingnan (Nanchang University), wenjianlyjvip@163.com A Study on the Translation of Ai Qing’s Poems in Russia Ai Qing is a representative figure of Chinese new poetry, among his representative works are “Dayan River — My Nanny”, “The Sun”, “Towards the Sun”, “Snow Falling on the Land of China”, “I Love This Land”, and so on. Ai Qing had two active periods in his creative career, first was from the 1930s to the 1950s. During this period, he experiencedAnti Japanese War, LiberationWar, and social construction in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and created a large number of patriotic poetry works with related topics. Secondly, from the late 1970s to 1980s, after 20 years of silence, Ai Qing returned to poetry world and actively participated in poetry creation in the new era. Scholars in China believe that “Ai Qing and Mu Dan are the two most noteworthy poets in the history of Chinese new poetry. Although their internal spiritual structures are inconsistent, their joint efforts constitute the height of modern poetry development.” This highlights Ai Qing’s special position in the history of Chinese new poetry. Another reason whyAi Qing's works have attracted attention is their international nature, which is not only reflected in many foreign themed poems created by the poet, but also in the fact that his poems have been translated into multiple languages and valued by overseas research scholars, including those in Russia. Research onAi Qing in domestic academic community is quite prosperous. In 2023, the number of journal articles related to Ai Qing’s research has exceeded one thousand, but there is little attention paid to the dissemination of his works in Russia. Keywords: Ai Qing, Translation, Russia, Sinology.