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Far Eastern Literatures in Russia & Russian Literature in the Far Eastern & South-East Asian Countries... 64 Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Cconference. June 27–29, 2024 Strizhak Uliana (HSE University), ustrizhak@hse.ru “Crime and Punishment” of F. Dostoevsky in Japan: Lexical and Grammatical Transformations This research is focused on the variability of Japanese translations of the novel “Crime and Punish- ment” of F. Dostoevsky. The quantitative analysis made it possible to identify statistically significant patterns in the distribution of semantic and syntactic roles in the description of images in the novel, considering the manifestation of the agentivity of the inanimate agent as an “external force” in Japanese and generally confirmed the data of the qualitative analysis of Japanese linguistic material. Based on the data analysis method, it becomes possible to search for the patterns extracted from large amounts of linguistic data, both in the lexical and grammatical semantics. The following methods of the digital analysis were used: vector models in distribution semantics which help to study the proximity and compatibility of units, n-gram analysis to identify uniqueness and occurrence, etc. It was discovered that even though such inanimate agents like fear, stuffiness, chills, cold, thoughts, melancholy, etc. despite their non-animacy are highly agentive syntactic units in Russian, the normative Japanese pre- fers to shift the attention focus to a human to be the main sentence actor. It helps to understand the argument-predicate structure of the Japanese original and translated sentence at the syntactic level, thereby checking the level of agentivity of the non-animate causative subject based on the methods of corpus and computational linguistics. Keywords: Dostoevsky, Japan, translations, lexical and grammatical transformations. Tsmykal Olga (Amur State University), olgatsmykal@yandex.ru Reception of the Cult of “xiao” in the Legend “Temple of Devotion” by P. V. Shkurkin In the legend “Temple of Devotion” P. Shkurkin reproduces the mythological story about the emer- gence of the “Temple of Widow Devotion”. The story of a widow's daughter-in-law's devotion to her elderly mother-in-law reveals the peculiarities of relationships within a Chinese family, in which the son's wife is obliged, first of all, to honor his parents, take care of them and obey them unquestion- ingly. 节孝 ( jiéxiào ) translates as “chastity (in relation to the memory of her husband) and respect (towards his parents; also means: a young widow maintaining widowhood)” The legend “Temple of Devotion”, retold and published by P. V. Shkurkin, is an excellent example of the significance of the cult of “xiao” in Chinese traditional culture, in which Confucian norms of ethics and morality are the basis of relationships between people. P. V. Shkurkin was able to demonstrate the full power of the influence of the cult of “xiao” on the consciousness of a Chinese woman brought up in the traditional cultural paradigm. Having an excellent knowledge of both the Chinese language and Chinese culture, including folklore, Shkurkin reveals to the reader the peculiarities of relationships in a Chinese family. In addition, the legend “Temple of Devotion” shows the deep respect of the Chinese for people who follow the commandments of filial piety, respect old age and observe the traditions dictated by the ancient customs of the “xiao” cult. Keywords: Russian Harbin, literary ethnography, Xiao cult, chinese traditional culture.