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Far Eastern Literatures in Russia & Russian Literature in the Far Eastern & South-East Asian Countries... 55 Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Conference. June 27–29, 2024 dark rather than face the light of progress. (7) The irony is intensified by the fact that Zoshchenko produced one more version of this narrative. In “The Blue Book” (1935), we discover the same story with a heavily altered resolution that. Keywords: translation, Zoshchenko, story, interpretation, style. Bulgutova Irina (Banzarov Buryat State University), irabulgutova@mail.ru The Image of China in the Works of D. Batozhabay The studying of problems of perception and mutual influence of the literatures of peoples living in close proximity for a long period involves the involvement of a broad cultural, historical and social context. The image of a neighboring country in a particular culture is formed on the basis of many factors. The perception of China in Buryat literature reflects the memory of wars that took place in the historical past. Thus, the wars of the period of the Manchu dynasty in China left a traumatic experience in the memory of the Buryat-Mongol tribes. In Buryat folklore and literature, in the light of these events, the legendary images of Balzhan-Khatan and Shelday zangi received tragic interpretation. The process of intercultural interaction between the two neighboring peoples of the East was complicated by the fact that the opposition “us/foe” was entrenched in the collective unconscious. In the work of the classic of Buryat literature D. O. Batozhabay (1921–1977), there is an expansion of spatial references; the action of his novel “Stolen Happiness” (1958–1965) takes place at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries throughout Eurasia, including the space of China. The hero of the novel, Alamzhi, in his wanderings ends up in Beijing, which becomes the personification of a foreign land. Among the political figures depicted in the novel is Prince Tuan, whose image can be called negative. D. Batozhabay’s focus in the novel is the relationship between countries and big politics. D. Batozhabay’s drama “Catastrophe”, written in 1977, is dedicated to understanding the cultural revolution in China. In his play, Batozhabay creates the image of a totalitarian state, a soulless and cruel government in the person of Mao Zedong and his wife Jiang Qing. In the drama “Catastrophe” the image of power appears unchanged and indestructible. Thus, the work of D. Batozhabay largely reflected the reception of China from a historical and political point of view. Keywords: reception; image of China. Dong Xiao (Nanjing University), dongxiaoels@163.com The Meaning of Astafyev’s Creation In his creations in the 60~90s of the 20th century, Astafyev's rendering of humanitarian ideas has become his most prominent contribution to contemporary Soviet literature and contemporary Russian literature. His writings about nature and his writings about war both reflect his deepening of his humani- tarian sensibilities. This deepening is embodied in the pure expression of humanist thought. This purity of expression has become the most prominent characteristic of Astafyev's literary creation, and it is also the main cornerstone of Astafyev's foothold in contemporary Soviet and Russian literature. In terms of in-depth humanist writing, Astafyev surpassed most of his Soviet contemporaries and contributed to the deepening of humanist ideas in contemporary Soviet and Russian literature. This is exactly what Astafyev is all about. In this regard, we have not yet recognized the value of Astafyev enough, and the evaluation of him in the past has not been sufficient. Keywords: Astafyev, humanitarianism, contemporary Soviet literature.
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