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3. The Trends in Chinese Literature of XX and XXI Centuries Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Conference. June 27–29, 2024 53 the genre, biographies of famous essayists were translated into Chinese. Yu Dafu explained the popularity of English essays in China, firstly, by their similarity with the Chinese traditional genre of suibi and, secondly, by the fashion for knowledge of English among young writers. Educated Chinese could read the essay in the original. He believed that short-formEnglish prose attracted Chinese writers because of the freedom to express their individuality. Zhou Zuoren warned against imitation and argued that one should give priority to one's own thoughts. The polemical essays of Lu Xun and the elegant sketches of Zhou Zuoren and Lin Yutang formed the two main genres of sanwen and influenced the development of modern Chinese literature. The research was made with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 23–28–00110). Keywords: “Yusi” Assoсiation, English essays, short form prose, sanwen. Zhang Mengyun (Shihezi University), herbs2020@qq.com Translation and Dissemination of Russian and Soviet Children’s Literature Theory and Criticism in China from the 1920s to the 1960s As we all know, in the development of Chinese children's literature in the 20th century, the translation and dissemination of Russian and Soviet children's literature, as well as the translation and dissemination of children's literary theories and literary criticism, played an irreplaceable and important role. According to historical evidence, the translation and dissemination of Russian and Soviet children's literature in China is not only a cross-cultural exchange of literary translation and acceptance, absorption and transformation, but also contains deep-seated cultural variation and literary local conversion phenomena such as literary interpretation variation and literary exoticisation. The article intends to select three different time stages in the 20th century to conduct a comprehensive statistical and qualitative analysis of the translation and dis- semination of Russian and Soviet children's literature theoretical books and critical articles which translated and published in China. By analysing the scale of publication, characteristics of publication, and causes of publication pattern, to summarizes the role of Russian and Soviet children's literature theories on the development of modern Chinese children's literature theory and children's literature creation, as well as their influence on the theoretical construction and development of contemporary children's literature in China. Keywords: Russian-Soviet, children's literature, theory and criticism, translation and dissemination, publication, influence.