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3. The Trends in Chinese Literature of XX and XXI Centuries Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Cconference. June 27–29, 2024 52 poems "Motherly Love" and "Sleepy Muttering". It is worth noting that the theme of mother has become the main theme in Fu Tianlin's works. Fu Tianlin's works are characterized by figurative and thematic types of dialogue: an appeal to a child, to images of nature, to a lyrical object. The study of the specifics of the disclosure of the dialogue beginning in Fu Tianlin's poems allows us to understand more deeply the motive component of her creative work, to determine the peculiarities of lyrical images. Keywords: Chinese poetry, Fu Tianlin, dialogue, floronyms, mother's image. Wan Fang (Yanshan University), 656175@soas.ac.uk Time Travel and Industrial Production: Rewriting Industrial Narratives in the 21st-century China In recent years, the paradigm of industrial narratives that waxed and waned in the 20th-century China has re-emerged in Chinese cyberspace. Those industrial-themed web novels combine industrial narratives with time travel. In Qi Cheng’s Daguo Zhonggong (Heavy industry in a big country 大国重工 ), the protagonists travel back to the 1970s PRC. The protagonists in Lingao Qiming (Great Expectations 临高启明 ) travel back to the ancient China. Unlike typical time travel fiction whose protagonist travels back to ancient time and takes an adventure alone, both novels portray many characters travel to another time together and cooperate with each other to promote social progress by driving the development of manufacturing industry. In this essay, by analysing Daguo Zhonggong and Lingao Qiming, I explore how these novels, industry and time travel crossovers, have transformed the model of industrial narratives which was popular in Mao’s China. This genre provides the Me-generation in China a platform on which they orient themselves in the labyrinth of post-socialist China, resist against neoliberal principles pervading in all aspects of their daily life, and pursue alternative visions of the world. When industrial narratives meet time travel, they create a space in which Chinese younger generation wrestle with the dilemma in their current life, that is, the ascent of both national grand narrative and competitive individualism. Keywords: industrial narrative, time travel, Chinese internet literature, Me generation, postsocialist Chinese culture. Zakharova Natalya  1 (IWL RAS), radaeva2002@gmail.com Literary Association “Yusi” and the Reception of English Essays “Yusy” is an association of Chinese writers and critics, the same name as the literary weekly magazine. The magazine was published since 1924 in Beijing, since 1927 — in Shanghai; editors: Sun Fuyuan (1894–1966) and Zhou Zuoren (1885–1967). Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren, Liu Bannong, Lin Yutang, Qian Xuantong were mem- bers of the association and authors of the magazine. The society ceased to exist inMarch 1930, simultaneously with the closure of the magazine. The weekly magazine became a platform for the publication of essays, notes, reviews and essays. Members of the Yusi association, under the influence of English essays, formed their own special literary style, Yuxi Wenti, and preferred the genres of “Duan Wen” and “Suibi”. The views of associa- tion participants varied. Lu Xun advocated the political orientation of the essay, Zhou Zuoren and Lin Yutang denied the ideological content of sanwen. They believed that short-form prose should express the author’s emotions. In the 1920–1930s. essays by English prose writers made up a significant part of the translations of foreign literature. Not only works of literature of small form, but also journalistic articles on the history of 1 Acknowledgements: The research was made with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 23–28–00110).