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3. The Trends in Chinese Literature of XX and XXI Centuries Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Conference. June 27–29, 2024 51 child) like a radish”; “threw away like a snake”; “grabbed as if she had found a priceless treasure”; “threw like crazy”, etc.). d.); describe the state (“the whole body will tremble, like a snake with four legs that has swallowed nicotine tar”); convey the smell (“such an aroma that it made your head spin”); convey color (“with black like a raven’s wing”, “glitters like gold”, “with a face as yellow as gold foil”, etc.); convey. Keywords: Mo Yan, novel “Frogs”, thematic groups of comparisons. Tsybikova Valentina (Banzarov Buryat State University), valentgem@yandex.ru Text of Western European Culture in Haizi’s Works The article is devoted to the study of Western European text in the work of the Chinese poet Haizi (1964–1989). Western philosophical ideas that flooded China in the 1970s and 1980s were incorporated into his poetry and philosophy of life. These are poems dedicated to the German romantic poet Hölderlin, the French poet of the mid-19th century, whose work became the forerunner of symbolism, Baudelaire, the German philosopher of the late 19th century. Nietzsche, the German-language modernist writer Kafka, the artist Van Gogh, the Austrian composer Mozart. The choice of creative personalities not only denotes the range of interests of the poet Haizi, but also to some extent characterizes himself, i.e. when turning to poetry, there is a resonance with the work of the romantic and the “symbolist”, which is based on an idealistic concept; one should also note the close interest in the biography of artists, in particular, in the motive of madness. This testifies to the immersion of Haizi’s poetic consciousness in the deep spheres of creativity, the borderline states of the psyche. The significance of Haizi's work in Chinese literature of the twentieth century consists in the organic assimilation of the spiritual and artistic experience of world cul- ture. Haizi’s works embodied the very process of perceiving world classics, which can be called creative reception, since Haizi overcomes national boundaries and does not simply retell or translate original texts, he includes individual moments from them that are especially consonant with his personal experiences. A number of artists to whom he addresses in his poems characterize the poet himself. Keywords: Western literature, Chinese contemporary poetry, Haizi, motive of madness, genius. Tugulova Olga (Dorzhi Banzarov Buryat State University), tugulova.olga@mail.ru Dialogue in the Poetry of Fu Tianlin The work of Chinese poet Fu Tianlin (born 1949) is relevant in the general interest of scholarship in gender issues, which in China is influenced by the policy of reform and opening up, and thus illustrates the socio-economic and cultural transformations of Chinese society. Fu Tianlin favours the first component in the classical-innovation binomial, which, against the background of experimental and exploratory orienta- tion of contemporary poetry, distinguishes it by its deep lyricism. The peculiarities of the poetess's work are connected with her ability to create the aesthetics of habitual ordinariness. One of the characteristic features of her poetry is the attitude to dialogue. Explicit or implicit dialogue, addressed most often to the world of nature, the child, reveals the moral and aesthetic values of the poetess. Most often in the poems, not a full-length dialogue with lines and several communicating participants is implemented. However, there are always some signs of dialogue: address, second person pronoun, question. The image of the lyri- cal heroine, often autocommunicating, appears tender and strong at the same time, female energy and love are all-embracing, spreading from a specific addressee to the universe. Seeking to harmonise relations, the lyrical subject in his references to the plant world comes to harmony with nature, with Being. From the point of view of subject relations, the speech can be organised on behalf of the mother, such as in the