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3. The Trends in Chinese Literature of XX and XXI Centuries Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Conference. June 27–29, 2024 45 ness occur more slowly than socio-economic transformations. The reinterpretation of the image of Pan Jinlian is closely related to the changes in modern Chinese social and cultural thinking and is a mirror reflecting the trends of the times and the dynamics of gender concepts over the years. Keywords: Chinese drama, literary image, modern Chinese literature, Pan Jinlian, The Plum in the Golden Vase. Korobova Anastasia (Institute of China and Contemporary Asia, Russian Academy of Sciences), korobova_an@mail.ru Allusions in Contemporary Chinese Detective Novels: “Goodbye, Island of Peace!” by Wang Jiajun Any translator and researcher of classical Chinese literature faces the problem of allusion — Chinese authors have widely used references to texts of previous and existing culture in their works. The term “allu- sion” has long been used in literary studies and in stylistics, it comes from the French allusion — “hint”, which, in turn, originates from the Latin аlluderе—“hint”. According to the definition of the "Big Dictionary of Foreign Words" (2007), an allusion is "one of the stylistic figures: an allusion to a real political, histori- cal or literary fact that is assumed to be well–known. With regard to Chinese literature, the huge number of allusions in ancient and medieval monuments, on the one hand, indicates that the author assumed their recognition by the recipient, albeit by a limited circle of recipients. On the other hand, the colossal com- mentarial tradition, a significant part of which “deciphers” these hints, testifies to allusive losses — both due to the historical factor (over time) and due to the limited knowledge of the potential recipient. In this regard, it is interesting to analyze the allusions in the detective genre, since it is aimed at the general reader, who is not necessarily an expert in literature and history. As an object of research, we chose Wang Jiajun’s 王稼骏 recent novel “Goodbye, the Island of Peace!” ( 再见,安息岛 , 2022), a detective story set in 2016. The main character is a young chess player named Shen Kuo 沈括 , who is trying to solve the mystery of the disappearance of a small island and the death of his parents. Of course, his name will not mean anything to the average Russian reader; meanwhile, a person who is somewhat familiar with the history of China will notice that his name coincides with the great encyclopedic scholar, the writer of the Northern Song Shen Kuo 沈括 (1032–1096). An extremely erudite man with extensive knowledge in mathematics, medicine, astronomy, geography, he left to succeeding generations a collection of “Brush conv. Keywords: contemporary Chinese literature, detective novels, allusion, Wang Jiajun, Shen Kuo. Kulikova Anastasiia (SPbSU), aakulikova11@gmail.com Chinese Female Writer Yan Ge and Fictional Features of Her Novel “Annals of Pingle County” Pingle, a small fictional town in Sichuan province, plays a key role in the fiction of Chinese female writer Yan Ge ( 颜歌 b. 1984), one of the most interesting and talented representative of the post-1980s generation in contemporary Chinese literature, who was born in Sichuan. At the moment her latest novel “Annals of Pingle County” (Pingle xianzhi, 2023) is the last one in series of four novels, the story of each one is set in Pingle. There are two significant features of Yan Ge’s work. Firstly, the use of the local dialect, its colorful idioms, which creates a special atmosphere of the small Sichuan town. Secondly, storyline in her novels is quite unu-
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