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3. The Trends in Chinese Literature of XX and XXI Centuries Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Conference. June 27–29, 2024 43 features of his work as the desire for dialogue, humor and meta-position in the discussion reveal other facets of Christianity in interaction with “other” cultures and deserve the close attention of scientists fro. Keywords: Lin Yutang, Chinese literature, Christianity, Christianity in China, linxue. Gonchar-Khanjyan Natalia (Yerevan State University) natalie.goncharkhanjyan@ysu.am Simonyan Ernest (Russian-Armenian University) Pandemic Phenomenon in Literary Discourse and the Circumstances of Covid-19 in Fang Fang’s book “Wuhan Diary. Notes from the quarantined city” The Covid-19 pandemic forced people into quarantine, and as a result, more and more works that convey the feeling of being present "here and now" entered the epidemic literature. Interesting firsthand reports of the events, tinged with a foreboding sense of suspense and thriller aspects, are woven together with a summary of the ordinary people's daily lives. The conditions under which people were placed in quarantine are described; this forced isolation and loneliness have become a test for all of humanity. The aim of this article is to analyze a literary work that depicts the diary entries of the Chinese author Fang Fang, who was unexpectedly placed under quarantine in the middle of the global drama that was developing. The events of the biography which were intimate accounts of the author's own experiences, became well-known among the same individuals confined to their homes, who read "Notes from the Quarantined City" with great interest. Certainly, one of the most entertaining net-literary pieces of the pandemic period was heavily influenced by the terrible condi- tions of quarantine. The main events that occurred in Wuhan, the city that gave rise to the coronavirus, will be followed in this paper. We will also analyze the literary devices used by the author to represent the reality of a specific location as a reflection of the state of the world at that particular historical period. Keywords: Wuhan, pandemics, epidemic net-literature, quarantine, coronavirus. Ignatenko Alexander (RUDN University), ocean.alex@mail.ru Urban Metaphor in Wang Anyi’s Novel “The Song of Everlasting Sorrow” (1995) The functional and stylistic function of metaphor in artistic discourse is considered on the example of Wang Anyi’s novel “The Song of Everlasting Sorrow” (1995), in which the narrative takes place in Shang- hai. The novel is an attempt to convey the spirit of Shanghai for more than four decades, from the 40s to the 80s of the twentieth century. The focus is on the life story of Wang Qiyao, a former Miss Shanghai, who embodies values and represents a reflection of the entire era of China. The relevance of the chosen problem is determined by the fact that metaphor has a significant impact on the perception of a literary text. In cultural urbanization, the city is considered as a kind of way of organizing the space from which culture begins (a place where a person resides, a cultivated space, a space with a human face, etc.). The city is a systematic structure with a complex structure and functional organization. Not only from the point of view of metaphor, but it is an organism by definition. The city's existence is based on the process of unfolding the social essence of a person. Metaphor, being one of the favorite topics of modern philological research, is considered as a means of decorating speech, as a manifestation of dynamics in the field of lexical semantics and one of the ways of word formation, as a communicative phenomenon conditioned by the context and
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