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39 Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Conference. June 27–29, 2024 Alekseev Ivan (Beijing Normal University), alex111_95@list.ru Contexts of Contemporary Chinese Poetry: Making a Personal Catalogue Current paper attempts to summarize the first-hand observations on information environments that surround the poetry communities in the PRC. From geographical perspective, the main attention is paid to literary groups located in four regions: northern (Beijing), southwestern (Sichuan, Yunnan), eastern (Shanghai, Nanjing) and southern (Guangzhou, Shenzhen). The set of oppositions acts as a primary analytical tool, and contrasting fea- tures might be detected respectively in institutional (“official” / “unofficial”), media (print / digital) or stylistic (modernist / postmodernist; analytical / colloquial, etc.) spheres. The paper provides a basic “generational” and “professional” stratification of community members and problematizes the position of “independent poets”, as well as the “(im)permeability” of certain contexts for some specific poetics. In addition, there are several roles shaping the discourse to be mentioned: editor, publisher, critic, columnist, sponsor, translator, etc. The main purpose of the report is to reach for a more comprehensive, stereoscopic view of the present state of poetic practices in mainland China, as well as to point out the most crucial vertical and horizontal connections that take place inside them. In the future, such “cataloging” can contribute to a more balanced representation of authors (for example, as a part of the translating process into Russian), and allow “actors” to take into account not only the established “prescriptive canon”, but also the dynamic conditions of various literary fields. Keywords: Contemporary Chinese poetry, sociology of literature, poetic media, canonization. 3. THE TRENDS IN CHINESE LITERATURE OF XX AND XXI CENTURIES