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2. New Tasks in the Study of Classical Chinese Literature in the Age of Globalization and Informatization Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Cconference. June 27–29, 2024 32 Sick With Layman Hu, I Sent These Poems To HimAnd Also Showed Them To Some Fellow Students ( 與 胡居士皆病寄此詩兼示學人二首 ). In it, Wang Wei raises the themes of illness and poverty arising from the illusory nature of being, which is expressed in the five skandhas and eighteen dhatu, the distorted per- ception of yourself and the world giving rise to the so-called kleshas (affects or impurities of the mind) and leading one to suffering. The specific characteristics of the cycle include a deep philosophical meaning, an abundance of Buddhist terminology, a large number of references and allusions to sacred Buddhist texts such as Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra ( 维摩诘经 ), Avatamsaka Sutra ( 华严经 ), Bodhisattvabhumi Sutra ( 菩萨璎珞 经 ), Lankavatara Sutra ( 楞伽经 ), Nirvana Sutra ( 涅槃经 ) along with allusions to Zhuangzi, Han Feizi and even Han Shu. Addressing the relevant categories of Buddhist philosophy and the primary sources, which the poet refers to, is, in our opinion, a necessary condition for a correct understanding, interpretation and adequate translation of the poems. Keywords: Wang Wei, Tang era, Chinese poetry, Buddhism, literary analysis. Osokin Alexander (IOS RAS), alex.osockin2013@yandex.ru The “Four Books [for] Women” (“Nü sishu” 女四書 ) is a Vivid Example of Confucian Didactic Literature Addressed to Women The “Four Books [for] Women” (“Nü sishu” 女四書 ) is a vivid example of Confucian didactic literature addressed to women. In fact, the book is composed of four different texts written at different times. The earliest of them, “Nü jie” 女誡 (“Lessons [for] Women”), was written in the Eastern Han era (Dong Han 東 漢 , 25–220). And the most recent work “Nüfan jielu” 女範捷錄 (“Short Records of Models for Women”) dates back to the Ming period (1368 — 1644). In-depth study of these texts has not only historical and cultural significance. The importance of their research is based on the processes taking place in Chinese society at the present time, and in particular, the increasing popularity of traditional sciences and arts. In modern China, texts of this category have received a second wind. For example, a special concept of nüzi guoxue 女子國學 (“classical education for women”) appeared. In many regions, so-called “training courses of classical education for women” (nüzi guoxue peixunban 女子國學培訓班 ), as well as “institutes of clas- sical education for women” (nüzi guoxue yuan 女子國學院 ), designed to give girls and young women the basics of classical Chinese education, including, in addition to mastering traditional arts, understanding of texts such as “Nü sishu”, “Nü xiao jing” 女孝經 (“Canon of filial piety for women”), “Nü er jing” 女兒經 (“Canon for girls”), etc. For a long time, the Beijing Classical Women\'s Education Research Studio (“Bei- jing Nüzi Guoxue Yanjiu Gongzuoshi” 北京女子國學硏究工作室 ) functioned in Beijing. Considerable publishing work has been done on its basis. Also was compiled an original text in modern Chinese baihua called “Xin nü jie” 女誡 (“New Lessons for Women”). The report analyzes the features of the structure of the “Four Books for women”, gives characteristic of the content of each of its constituent works, and also considers its value among other texts of this genre. Special attention will be paid to traditional commentar- ies of Wang Xiang 王相 (XVI–XVII). Keywords: The Four Books for Women, Nü sishu, goxue, women, Wang Xiang. Smirnova Natalia (Petrozavodsk State University), burlana@mail.ru Literary Evidence about the Origins of Footbinding in China The origins of footbinding in China, Li Yü (961–976), Su Tungpo (1037–1101) Many works give theories regarding the origins of footbinding in China. Scientist place it anywhere from the Chou to the
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