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Feng Menglong and his Contribution to Chinese Literature... 22 Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Materials of the 11th International Scientific Cconference. June 27–29, 2024 himself and the heir to the throne both attended to his bedside. The storyline of Ma Zhou's marriage to a pancake vendor is absent from the sources, but is vividly represented in Feng Menglong's story, as well as the meeting of the elevated Ma Zhou with his former boss, who once scolded him. In addition, the writer adorns his story with colourful details in the folklore spirit: the chronicles briefly report that the Emperor sent for Ma Zhou four times, whereas Feng Menglong explains that he could not come at once because he was dead drunk, and was brought to his senses personally by the general; the fictional Ma Zhou makes his career much more rapidly than than the historical one, etc. Keywords: Feng Menglong, vernacular story, Tang dynasty, historical characters in fiction. Shen Jiacheng (Gomel State University named after F. Scoryna), vlad-kov@mail.ru About the Magical Actions Accompanying Spells in the Novel “Dispelled Enchantments” The content of various magical actions accompanying the spells used by the characters of the fantasy novel “The Spell Dispelled”, edited by Feng Menglong, is considered. The heroes of this work — the magi- cian Feng Jingyan, the sorcerer Zhang Luan, the wandering monk Egg, the sorceress Holy Aunt, the lame fox Zuo Chuer — do not actually pronounce spell texts, but in the novel verbs are named that indicate the nature of the spells: read, cast, pronounce, mutter. At the same time, the magical actions accompanying spells are significantly diverse and depend on specific circumstances and objects of influence. Typically, the casting of a spell in a novel is the "starting point" of witchcraft magic. Compare: The old woman was the first to read the spell, sneezed on a stone, ran her hand over it, and the stone turned into a sparkling golden slide; Meanwhile, Zhang Luan recited a spell, waved his fan, and hail and an icy wind fell on the imperial army. The ritual of black magic performed by Feng Jingyan involves casting a spell at the intermediate stage of a number of complex manipulations aimed at killing a person: Feng Jingyan had amazing abilities. If he needed to bewitch a person, he built a sacrificial altar in a secret place, drew a large circle in front of it, placed a porcelain jug inside it, wrote the name of the victim and his horoscope on a piece of paper and, lowering the piece of paper into the jug, cast a spell. And on the third, fifth or seventh day the soul of the victim appeared in the form of a tiny little man. As soon as she crossed the line of the enchanted circle, Feng Jingyan commanded her with an imperious tablet to enter the jug, sealed it tightly, and the bewitched one died at the same moment. The report analyzes in detail the semantics and structure of magical actions presented in the text of the novel “The Dispelled Spell.”. Keywords: The novel “Dispelled enchantments”, spells, magical actions, witchcraft, ritual. Shi Daojian (Chongqing Jiulongpo District Huayan Temple), 254723566@qq.com Preliminary Exploration on Buddhist Ideology in The Clear Words to Illustrate the World Written by Feng Menglong After Buddhism had been introduced to China from India, it began the path of its "Chinese localiza- tion". Since the Song Dynasty, feudal rulers have taken a protective attitude towards Buddhism. In the Ming Dynasty, except for Emperor Mingshizong Zhu Hou'en, who believed in Taoism and opposed Buddhism, other emperors were in favor of Buddhism. Under the advocacy of the feudal rulers, the folk people also held Buddhism in high esteem.The Clear Words to Illustrate the World (also known as the Ancient and Modern Novels, was completed during the Taichang Tianqi Period), is a collection of scripts and Mimetic scripts for story-telling for people of the lower strata of the society. The scripts for story-telling is the base
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