Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока

430 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока 10. Kozin S. A. Secret story. Mongolian chronicle of 1240 called Monyol-un niyuca tobciyan. Yuan chao bi shi. Mongolian Common Collection . Moscow; Leningrad, Academy of Sciences of USSR Press, 1941. (In Russian) 11. Kozin S. A. Secret History of the Mongols . Transl. by S. A. Kozin. Moscow, 2002. (In Russian) 12. Kozin S. A. Epos of the Mongolian peoples . Moscow; Leningrad, Academy of Sciences of USSR Press, 1948. (In Russian) 13. Kozin S. A. Fragment from the cycle of epic tales about Genghis. Uchenye zapiski LGU. Seriia filologicheskikh nauk . 1938. No. 20. (In Russian) 14. Narmaev B.M. T. A. Burdukova: Bibliographic materials. Mongolica-XI: collection of scientific articles on Mongolian studies . St. Petersburg, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the RAS Press, 2013, pp. 11–13. (In Russian) 15. Natsagdorzh D. Selected Works . Transl. by T. A. Burdukova. Moscow, Gos. izd-vo khud. lit-ry Publ., 1956. (In Russian) 16. Damdinsuren Ts. Selected Works . Transl. by T. A. Burdukova. Moscow, Gos. izd-vo khud. lit- ry Publ., 1958. (In Russian) 17. Gerasimovich L. K. Mongolian poetry. Experience of experimental phonetic research . Lenin- grad, Leningrad University Press, 1975. (In Russian) 18. Gerasimovich L. K. Literature of the Mongolian People’s Republic 1921–1964 . Leningrad, Len- ingrad University Press, 1965. (In Russian) 19. Gerasimovich L. K. History of Modern Mongolian Literature . Bloomington, 1970. 20. Gerasimovich L. K. Literature of the Mongolian People’s Republic 1965–1985. Prose essays . Leningrad, Leningrad University Press, 1991. (In Russian) 21. Crimson horizon. Short stories of modern Mongolian writers . Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1964. (In Russian) 22. Mongolia in the life of L. K. Gerasimovich. Memoirs, letters, photographs . St. Petersburg, NP- Print, 2019. (In Russian) 23. Petrova M. P. Analysis of nomadic literature . Ulan-Bator, 2011. (In Mongolian) 24. Petrova M. P. Moder nism and postmodernism in Mongolian literature at the end of the 20 th century and the beginning of the 21 st century . Ulan-Bator, 2016. (In Mongolian)