Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока
422 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока 8. Boronina I. A. Japanese medieval lyrics and its European correspondence. Typology and rela- tionships of medieval literatures of the East and West . Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1974. P. 540–576. (In Russian) 9. Riftin B. L. Typology and relationships of medieval literatures. Typology and relationships of medieval literatures of the East and West . Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1974. P. 9–11. (In Russian) 10. Alekseev V.M. Roman Horace and Chinese Lu Ji. Works on Chinese literature. Book 1 . Mos- cow, Vostochnaia literatura Publ., 2002. P. 345–384. (In Russian) 11. Alekseev V.M. Frenchman Boileau and his Chinese contemporaries. Works on Chinese litera- ture. Book 1 . Moscow, Vostochnaia literatura Publ., 2002. P. 385–408. (In Russian) 12. Ingarden R. Discourse on a literary work . Kaifeng, Henan chubanshe, 2008. (In Chinese) 13. Gasparov M. L. “Again clouds over me…”: Methods of analysis. About Russian poetry . St. Pe- tersburg, Azbuka Publ., 2001. P. 11–26. (In Russian) 14. Yuan Mei (Qin). Collection of poems “The hermit’s house in Qiangshan” . Shanghai, Guji chu- banshe, 1988. (In Chinese) 15. Yuan Ke. Dictionary of Chinese mythology and legends . Shanghai, Guji chubanshe, 1986. (In Chinese) 16. Wang Zhiying. Biography of Yuan Mei . Vol. 2. Nanjing, Nanjing Daxue chubanshe, 2011. (In Chinese) 17. Derzhavin G. R. Poems . Leningrad, Sovetskii pisatel’ Publ., 1957. (In Russian) 18. Myths of the peoples of the World . Vol. 2. Chief ed. S. A. Tokarev. Moscow, Bol’shaia Rossiiskaia entsiklopediia Publ., 2000. (In Russian) 19. Dunaev. M.M. Orthodoxy and Russian literature . Vol. 1. Moscow, Khristianskaia literatura Publ., 2001. (In Russian) 20. Zamostyanov A. A. Gavrila Derzhavin: I fell, I got up in my age… Moscow, Molodaia gvardiia Publ., 2013. (In Russian) 21. Wang Yingzhi’s Preface to 1 st Vol. of Yuan Mei’s Complete Works . Nanjing, Jiangsu сhubanshe, 1993. (In Chinese) 22. Wang Yingzhi. Biography of Yuan Mei. Collection of biographies of Chinese thinkers . Nanjing, Nanjingdaxue chubanshe, 2002. P. 48–79. (In Chinese) 23. A collection of Qian Zhongshu’s notes . Shanghai, Sanlian shudian, 2013. (In Chinese) 24. Yuan Ke. Big Dictionary of Chinese Mythology . Beijing, Huaxia сhubanshe, 2015. (In Chinese) 25. Homer. Iliad. Odyssey . Moscow, Eksmo Publ., 2009. (In Russian) 26. Lomonosov M. V. Selected works . Leningrad, Sovetskii pisatel’ Publ., 1986. (In Russian) 27. “Lü’s Springs and Autumns” . Shanghai, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 1989. (In Chinese) 28. Lee Haring. How to Read a Folktale: The ‘Ibonia’ Epic from Madagascar. World Oral Litera- ture Series . Vol. 4. Cambrige, Open Book Publishers, 2013. P. 1–166. 29. Kirszner L. G., Mandell S. R. Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. Beijing, Peking Univer- sity Press, 2006. 30. Thompson S. Index of folktale types . Shanghai, Wenyi сhubanshe, 1991. (In Chinese) 31. Ding Naitong. Index of Chinese Folktale Types . Wuhan, Huazhong shifandaxue chubanshe, 2008. (In Chinese) 32. Ashliman D. L. A Guide to Folktales in the English Language: Based on the Aarne-Thompson Classification System (Bibliographies and Indexes in World Literature) . New York, Greenwood Press, 1987. Перевод М. В. Ефремовой
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