Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока
365 4. Дальневосточные литературы в России и русская литература в странах ДВ и ЮВА… References 1. Hu Dao. Dramatic Performance . Beijing, Zhongguo xiju chubanshe, 2018. (In Chinese) 2. Bao Yuwen. Don’t Give in to the Hypocrite Stanislavsky. Wenhuibao . 1969. July 24. (In Chi- nese) 3. About the “System” of Stanislavsky. Hongqi . 1969. No. 6–7. P. 58–67. (In Chinese) 4. Hu Xingliang. The Thought of Chinese Drama of the 20 th century . Beijing, Zhongguo xiju chu- banshe, 1998. (In Chinese) 5. Su Qiong. Stanislavsky’s Research in China in the 20 th century. Elosy wenyi . 2001. No. 1. P. 104–110. (In Chinese) 6. Zhu Binbo. Exit From the Shadow of Stanislavsky’s Performing System. Xiju wenxue . 2016. No. 12. P. 119–124. (In Chinese) 7. Tian Benxiang. Reflections on the New Drama . Beijing, Zhongguo xiju chubanshe, 1999. (In Chinese) Перевод О. П. Родионовой
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