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303 3. Пути развития китайской литературы в XX и XXI веках 11. Li Jikai. The cultural creation of Chinese literature in the 20 th century . Beijing, Zhongguo she- hui kexue chubanshe, 2009. (In Chinese) 12. Li Jikai. Lu Xun: the soul of modern Chinese nation. Lu Xun yanjiu yuekan . 2018. No. 3. (In Chinese) 13. Li Jikai. On Lu Xun and Chinese Calligraphy Culture. Huazhon shifandaxue xuebao . 2010. No. 3. (In Chinese) 14. Li Jikai, Zhao Jinghua. Lu Xun and the May Fourth Movement. Proceedings of the Symposium on Lu Xun and the May 4 th New Culture Movement . Beijing, Zhongguo shehui kexue chuban- she, 2011. (In Chinese) 15. Li Jikai. On “great modern Chinese literature” from the perspective of cultural strategy. Wen yi zheng ming . 2019. No. 4. (In Chinese) 16. Lu Xun. Complete Works of Lu Xun . Vol. 11. Beijing, Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 2005. (In Chinese) 17. Lu Xun. Complete Works of Lu Xun . Vol. 3. Beijing, Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 1981. (In Chinese) 18. Qian Liqun. Why do we need Lu Xun? Shidai renwu . 2016. No. 10. (In Chinese) 19. Li Wenbing. Lu Xun’s Dictionary: an encyclopedia for Studying Lu Xun. Liaowang zhoukan . 1985. No. 5. (In Chinese) 20. Li Jikai. On Lu Xun’s “New three principles” and “Immortality”. Lu Xun yanjiu yuekan . 2013. No. 9. (In Chinese) 21. Du Guiping. Du Guiping talks about Pillow Book. Zhonghua dushu bao . 11.05.2021. (In Chi- nese) 22. Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping’s reply to all editors of the editorial department of “Literature, history and philosophy” . URL: http://www.xinhuanet.com/2021-05/10/c_1127428330.htm (accessed: 07.06.2021).
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