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263 2. Новые вопросы изучения классической китайской литературы… 19. Commentary on the Meaning of Lunyu . Ed . by Gao Shangju. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2013. (In Chinese) 20. Liang Qichao. A study of Buddhism in Eighteen Chapters . Shanghai, Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2001. (In Chinese) 21. Dai Junren. Development of the Tradition of Subcommentaries on Canonical Texts . Complete Works of Mr. Dai Jingshan . Taipei, 1980 . P. 93–117. (In Chinese) 22. Mou Runsun. Collection of Essays on the History of the Commentary Tradition . Vol. 1. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 2009. (In Chinese) 23. Zhang Hengshou. Society and ideological culture of China . Beijing, Renmin chubanshe, 1989. (In Chinese) 24. Kano Naoki. Junshan wen, juan 3 . Ed . by Yoshikawa Kojiro. Kyoto, Nakamura insatsu kabu- shiki gaisha, 1959. (In Chinese) 25. Fujiwara Takao. On the Yi Jing Characteristics of the “Zhou yi shulunjia yi ji”. Culture of Han and Wei . 1960. P. 42–63. (In Japanese) 26. Hegel G. Logic . Transl. from German by Yang Yi. Beijing, Shangwu yingshuguan, 1966. (In Chinese) 27. Pang Piao. A Study of the Dialectics of Confucianism. Three Divisions . Beijing, Zhonghua shu- ju, 1984. (In Chinese) 28. Kamato Shigeo. History of Chinese Buddhism . Vol. 1 . Transl. by Guan Shiqian. Gaoxiong, Foguang chubanshe, 1985. (In Chinese) 29. Tong Ling. The Flaming Phoenix and the Northern Dragon —The Tang Empire and East Asia in the Middle Ages . Beijing, Shangwu yinshuguan, 2014. (In Chinese) 30. Yuan Kai. Tang da heshang dongzheng zhuan . Comment . by Wang Xiaorong. Beijing, Zhon- ghua shuju, 2000. (In Chinese) 31. Fu Tianchun. On the calligraphic scrolls “Sanluan”, “Kun shizhong”, “Mei Zhi” stored in Ja- pan . Collection of Treasures of Ancient Calligraphy of China and Japan . Shanghai, Shanghai bowuguan, 2006. (In Chinese) 32. Reischauer E. O. Ennin’s Travel in T’ang China . New York, Ronald Press Company, 1955 33. Kornicki P. The Book in Japan: A Cultural History from the Beginnings to the Nineteenth Cen- tury . Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 2001. 34. Okabe Kazuo, Tanaka Yoshiaki. Introduction to Chinese Buddhism Studies . Transl. by Xing Ruyi. Xinbei, Fagu wenhua, 2013. (In Chinese) 35. Ozaki Yasushi. Research and Index of Quotations in Guketsu getensho . Collection of articles for the 70 th anniversary of Mr. Matsumoto Yoshio . Tokyo, Shido bunko ronshu, 1964. (In Jap- anese) 36. Kono Kimiko. Approach to the study of Guketsu getensho of Prince Tomohira . Tiantai Cul- ture Crossing the Sea . Tokyo, Bensei shuppan, 2008. P. 49–80. (In Japanese) 37. Zhiguan fuxing zhuan hongjue . Tripitaka Taishō . Vol. 46. No. 1912. (In Chinese) 38. Lin Xiuyi. Review of the study of Xiaojing shu yi by Liu Xuan of the Sui . Study of the canonical literature of the Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties . Comp. by Tong Ling. Shanghai, Zhongxi shuju, 2017. P. 256–290. (In Chinese) 39. Wright A. F. The Sui Dynasty, the Unification of China, A. D. 581 – 617 . New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1978. 40. Xiao jing zhu shu . Comment. by Li Longji, subcomment. by Xing Bin, comp. by Deng Hong- bo, approved by Qian Xun. Beijing, Beijing Daxue chubanshe, 1999. (In Chinese) 41. Swanson P. L. Fundamentals of Tiantai Philosophy: The Formation of the Doctrine of the Two Truths in Chinese Buddhism . Transl. by Shi Wen, Luo Tongbing. Shanghai, Shanghai guji chu- banshe, 2009. (In Chinese)