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237 2. Новые вопросы изучения классической китайской литературы… 2. Komissarova T. G. Three Chinese Prefaces to the Vimalakirti Sutra. Written Monuments of the East. Historical and philological research . Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1987. P. 204–217. (In Russian) 3. Zandanova T. A. Influence of Prajnaparamitic Literature on the Formation of the Concepts of the Chan School. Buddhist Texts of China, Tibet, Mongolia and Buryatia. Digest of articles . Ulan-Ude, 2014. P. 97–110. (In Russian) 4. Storozhuk A. G. Three teachings and culture of China: Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in the art of the Tang era . St. Petersburg, Beresta Publ., 2010. (In Russian) 5. Dagdanov G. B. Chan Buddhism in Wang Wei’s poetry . Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 1984. (In Russian) 6. “Teachings of Vimalakirti” Sutra . Transl., foreword and comment. by A.M. Donets. Ulan-Ude, Siberian Branch of the RAS Press, 2005. (In Russian) 7. Commentaries on Wang Yucheng’s collection. [Tang] author Wang Wei, [Qing] comments Zhao Diancheng . Chinese Book Publishing, 1961. (In Chinese) 8. Tripitaka Taisho . Vol. 14. No. 0475. Vimalakirti-nirdesa-sutra. Late Qin. Kumarajiva. URL: https://tripitaka.cbeta.org/T14n0475 (accessed: 07.30.2022). (In Chinese) 9. Torchinov A. E. Introduction to Buddhism. Lecture course . St. Petersburg, Sankt-Peterburg- skoe filosofskoe obshchestvo Publ., 2000. (In Russian) 10. Golygina K. I. Buddhism and Chinese Poetic Thought. Typology and Relationships of Medie- val Literature of East and West . Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1974. P. 289–307 (In Russian) 11. Wise men of China. Yang Zhu, Liezi, Zhuangzi . Transl. from Chinese. St. Petersburg, Peter- burg — XXI vek Publ., 1994. (In Russian)