Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока
228 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока References 1. Kao tian, “Depend on Heaven”. URL: https://w ww.zdic.net (accessed: 25.07.2022). (In Chi- nese) 2. Shi Mingning. Five quatrains to encourage agricultural work, on the Mid-Autumn Festival of the ding-chou year, south of the city wall . Vol. 285. URL: https://www.skqs12.com (accessed: 25.07.2022). (In Chinese) 3. The oil seller conquers the Queen of Flowers. Amazing stories of our time and antiquity . Transl. from Chinese, afterword, comment. by V. A. Velgus, I. E. Tsiperovich. Moscow, Khudozhest- vennaia literatura Publ., 1988. (In Russian) 4. Wen Kang. Legend of Heroes and Heroines. URL: https://w ww.ctext.or g ( accessed: 25.07.2022). (In Chinese) 5. Chen Jiru. Convincing Arguments in Warning the World . URL: https://www.baidu.com (ac- cessed: 25.07.2022). (In Chinese) 6. Aphorisms of old China . Comp., transl., and comment. by V. V.Malyavin. Moscow, Astrel Publ.; AST Publ., 2003. (Chinese classics: New translations, new look). (In Russian) 7. Picture Д-3640-VII. URL: https://www.gmir.ru (accessed: 25.07.2022). 8. Chinese popular prints. Select. and text by M. Rudova. Leningrad, Avrora Publ., 1988. 9. Picture ЛТ-4389. URL: https://www.hermitage.ru (accessed: 25.07.2022). 10. Picture ЛТ-5774. URL: https://www.hermitage.ru (accessed: 25.07.2022). 11. Chinese popular prints nianhua from the Hermitage Museum. To the 300 th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Catalogue of the Exhibition . St. Petersburg, Slavia Publ., 2003. 12. Picture ЛТ-4816. URL: https://www.hermitage.ru (accessed: 25.07.2022). (In Russian) 13. Picture ЛТ-6019. URL: https://www.hermitage.ru (accessed: 25.07.2022). 14. Lu Xun. Depend on Heaven for food. Second collection of essays of Lu Xun. Lu Xun Complete Works . Vol. 6. Beijing, Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 1973. (In Chinese) 15. Lu Xin. Cejie ting. Transl. by L. D. Pozdneyeva. Lu Xin. Collected Works . Vol. 2. Moscow, Go- sudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo hudozhestvennoi literatury Publ., 1955. (In Russian) 16. Confucius. Analects . Transl. by P. S. Popov. Moscow, AST Publ., 2018. (In Russian)
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