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169 1. Бо Цзюйи и его вклад в китайскую литературу References 1. Chuvakov V. N. Russian writers. 1800–1917. Biographical dictionary . Vol. 2. Moscow, Bolshaia Rossiiskaia entsiklopediia Publ., 1992. (In Russian) 2. Kobzev A. I., Orlova N. A. The Life and Poetry of Bo Ju-yi. Society and State in China. Vol. XLVIII, pt 2. Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS Press, 2018. P. 640–737. (In Russian) 3. Bankovskaya M. V. Friends and Enemies of Liao Zhai [transl. into Chinese by Yan Guodong, Wang Peimei, Yue Wei]. Research of Pu Songling . 2004. No. 2. (In Chinese) 4. Konrad N. I. About “Anthology of Chinese lyrics”. Sinology . Moscow, Ladomir Publ., 1995. P. 587–595. (In Russian) 5. Alekseev V.M. Book review on: “Bo Jui-yi. Quaternary”. Transl. from Chinese, introd. art. and comment. by L. Z. Eidlin. Moscow, Goslitizdat Publ., 1949. Soviet book . No. 5. Moscow, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1950. P. 101–105. (In Russian) 6. Poems on Fan: An Anthology of Chinese Classical Poetry . Transl. from Chinese by V. F. Pere- leshin. Frankfurt am Main, Posew, 1970. (In Russian) 7. Kobzev A. I. About Russian translations of Du Fu and Bo Ju-yi. Society and State in China . Vol. 47, pt 2. Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS Press, 2017. P. 558–578. (In Russian) 8. Rubets M. V. Bo Ju-yi’s Hundred Poems jue-ju . Transl. from Chinese ( wenyan ), preface and comment. by N. A. Orlova. Moscow, Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS Press, 2017. (Sci- entific notes of the IOS RAS. Department of China. Vol. 25) // Vostok . 2018. No. 5. P. 232–240. (In Russian) Перевод Е. И.Митькиной