Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 2
Дальневосточные литературы в России и русская литература в странах Дальнего... Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. Vol. 1 71 and more abstract semantic relations, but on the whole the distributions of non-tran- sitive verbs tend to have low predictability. Many verbs of emotion and feeling with the same commonly assumed semantic roles (e.g. Experiencer + Stimulus verbs) are coded by the different means (that is with different prepositions or alternatively as an adnominal modifier). In some cases locative adjuncts are used as argument-co- ding device. To realize the overall complexity of valency class systems in Mandarin Chinese, categorize specific ambiguous verbs and group them into non-overlapping classes with each class characterized by unique combination of devices involved in coding its arguments we need to go far beyond translational equivalents of 130 sentences, that cannot be claimed to be representative of the bivalent verbal lexicon in general, and continue the research using a broader language material. References 1. Yakhontov S. E. (1957) The Verb Category in Chinese. Leningrad, LGU. 2. Mullie J. (1932) The Structural Principles of the Chinese Language:An Introduction to the Spoken Language (Northern Pekingese Dialect). Peiping, Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Li Mingbin (Peking University, China) Guo Jinghong (Beijing Foreign Studies University, China) Wang Jun (Beijing, China) The Contribution of Sinologists Sutsky and Lukiyanov to the Spreading of the Book of Changes in Russia The Book of Changes was introduced to Russia in the early 20th century. The study of the Book in Russia was inherited by several generations of Russian sinologists. So far there have been a lot of achievements in both translation and research. Two sinologists, Sutsky and Lukiyanov, contributed the most to the spreading of the Book of Changes in Russia. Keywords: The Book of Changes; Spreading in Russia, Sutsky, Lukyanov ᶄ᱄┞ (北京大学,中国) 䜣Ქ㓘δ 北京外国语大学,中国) ⧁䫝δ्Ӣθѣളε ∞ᄻᆋӦ㣽ාϣषාᡁ䇏ༀᇎȩᯨ㒤Ȫ֙ӵⱙ䋶⤃ ݈䬃䆢 lj᱃㓿NJ ״Ր Ձ㥘ส สᢜ䈪ཛ
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