Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 2
Секция 4 • Panel 4 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Т. 1 70 To indicate the direction of motion, Chinese verbs are usually followed by deverbative directional modifiers or directive prepositions introducing the second argument. Chinese modifiers perform various functions, of which primary ones are spatial localization of the situation or indication of motion orientation or aspectual meanings. Functionally, this approximates modifiers to verbal prefixes in Rus- sian; thereby, however, modifiers have another important semantic and syntactic function — namely, they expand the verbal argumen frame to introduce yet another participant of the situation, cf. (30a) and (30b): (30a) ྩՊ ߉ 㠚ᐡⲴᆇҶDŽ Tā huì xiě zìjǐ de míngzì le — Она научилась писать собственное имя (‘She learnt to write her name’) (30b) ᢺԆⲴᆇ ߉ 䘋䇪᮷DŽ Bǎ tā de míngzì xiě-jìn lùnwén — вписать его имя в диссертацию (‘to write down his name in the thesis’) Such government is common to all verbs of motion/movement, and the ques- tionnaire revealed three verbs of this kind: 䎠䘋 zǒujìn – входить ('to enter’); 䎠 ࠪ zǒuchū — выходить (‘to exit’); ⻠ࡠ pèngdào — дотронуться (‘to touch’): (31) ⦻䫒䎠䘋Ҷᡯ䰤 Wáng Gāng zǒujìn le fángjiān — Ван Ган вошёл в комнату (‘Wang Gang entered the room’) Modifiers specifying the result of an action that can be added to Chinese verbs to form a resultative verbal structure: ⬴ wán — закончить (‘to finish’), ᾊ qīngchǔ — отчетливый (‘distinct’), 擁 cuò — неправильный (‘wrong’) and etc. The verb наполниться (‘to fill’) represented in the questionnaire corresponds in Mandarin Chinese with 塭㺉 zhuāngmǎn used in existential sentences with inverted linear word order, wherein the first argument is introduced as locative adjunct in the sentence initial position 㠞慴 tǒngli (32): (32) Ầ䟼㻵┑Ҷ䴘≤ Tǒng lǐ zhuāngmǎn le yǔshuǐ — Ведро наполнилось дождевой водой (‘The bucket filled with rainwater’) The verb 䬪к pùshàng — покрывать (‘to cover’) from our study also belongs to this class. These two predicates show that the domain of circumstantial relations is also involved in argument-coding ihn Mandarin Chinese. 4. Conclusions The analysis of two-place predicates in Mandarin Chinese has revealed two transitive patterns—an unmarked one (relying only on the linear order) and a marked one (with the accusative preposition ㈲ bǎ) — along with a range of non-transitive frames with oblique marking of the verb arguments. The main device that is used for encoding arguments of non-transitive verbs is preposition that can code both spatial
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