Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 2
Дальневосточные литературы в России и русская литература в странах Дальнего... Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. Vol. 1 69 the relevant function words (prepositions and conjunctions): ઼ hé ˈ䐏 gēn , о yǔ , ਼ tóng , that are commen for the verbs: 䙷 xiāngyù — встречаться (‘to meet’); ᷦ chǎojià — ссориться (‘to quarrel); ᢃᷦ dǎjià — драться (‘to fight’); ྭ xiānghǎo — дружить (‘to be friends’); 䈸䈍 tánhuà — разговаривать (‘to talk’); ൘а䎧 hùn zaìyīqǐ — смешаться (‘to get mixed’), lit. мешать вместе (‘to mix together’): (26) ⦻ ࡊ 䐏ᶘ◌൘ᢃᷦ Wáng Gāng gēn Yáng Lán zài dǎjià — Ван Ган дерётся с Ян Лань (‘Wang Gang is fighting with Yang Lan’) Many predicates of this class are variable in their syntactic properties. Thus, the verb 㔃䇶 jiéshì — знакомиться (‘to get acquainted’) allows two alternative coding—with a comitative preposition and non-prepositionally with the basic SVO order: (27) (a) ઼㘱ཆ㔃䇶 hé lǎowài jiéshì — познакомиться с иностранцем (‘to get acquainted with a foreigner’) (b) 㔃䇶Ҷаսᯠᴻ৻ jiéshì le yī wèi xīn péngyǒu — познакомиться с новым другом (‘to get acquainted with a new friend’) The object, toward which the action is directed or which will be affected by its result or the final point of action, is introduced by the allative preposition ੁ xiàng. This class is represented by the predicate ᔰᷚ kāiqiáng — стрелять (‘to shoot/fire’): (28) ⦻ ࡊ ੁаਚ呏ᔰᷚ Wáng Gāng xiàng yì zhī niǎo kāiqiáng — Ван Ган выстрелил в птицу (‘Wang Gang fired at a bird’) Coding of the second argument with the preposition ੁ xiàng is also an option for the Chinese verb 䈤 shūo — говорить (‘to say’) . Verbal prepositions expressing spatial and temporal relations in Chinese, namely: the static localization ൘ zài — в, на (‘in, on’), Ҿ yǔ — в (‘in’), and the dynamic orientation ࡠ daò — к, в (‘to, into’)), ᖰ wǎng — по направле- нию к (‘toward’) may take not only the preposition to the relevant predicate in a sentence, but also the postposition thereto, localizing the situation in space or setting orientation of a participant’s motion. Three predicates from our questionnaire entered this class: ४࡛ qūbié — отличаться (‘to differ’); ⊹ chén — тонуть (‘to drown’) (alternative government — with directive prepo- sitions); ㋈ nián — прилипать (‘to stick’) (alternatively — non-prepositionally with the basic SVO order). (29) ѝഭ४࡛Ҿ㾯ᯩഭᇦ Zhōngguó qūbié yǔ xīfāng guójiā — Китай отли- чается от западных стран (‘China differs from Western countries’)
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