Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 2
Секция 4 • Panel 4 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Т. 1 60 Ориентальные мотивы в рассказах Юльского реализуются через образы священных животных и растений, кумирен, тайги, наполненной духами умер- ших, через китайские и тунгусо-маньчжурские реалии, религиозно-обрядовые установления, ритуалы, экзотизмы и многое другое. Поэтому перспективы дальнейших исследований творчества писателей Дальнего Востока и русской восточной эмиграции, в т. ч. Б. М. Юльского, несомненны. Kolpachkova Elena (SPbSU, Russia) The Translation of Russian Two-Place Predicates into Mandarin Chinese The papers focuses on argument-coding devices in Mandarin Chinese. Based on a questionnaire that includes 130 two-place predicates, we investigate the patterns of semantic role assignment for non-transitive verbs. Like most languages, Mandarin Chinese has a clearly identifiable class of transitive verbs that stands apart from all other bivalent classes. The valency behavior of non- transitive verbs is less predictable, these verbs differ substantially with respect to their syntactic distribution. Keywords: Mandarin Chinese, valency classes, transitivity, bivalent verb, argument-coding One of the difficult theoretical problems arising in practice at rendering of a literary text is selection of a language level ensuring adequate — that is, complete and accurate — translation from one language into another. The adequacy problem becomes most acute in case of translation between languages of different grammatical systems, such as Russian and Chinese. This paper proposes findings of a research of verbs, which have two valencies with the focus on non-canonical transitive and non-transitive verbs. 1. General Information on Syntax of Two-Place Predicates in Chinese For isolating languages, linear order of words plays a special role. Transitivity as a lexical feature of two-place verbs, which is embedded in their dictionary meaning and implies certain pattern of a sentence, has no morphological expression in Chinese verbs: the issue is in rendering of relevant meanings using non-morphological devices available in Chinese — i.e. linear order, function words and special constructions. In a basic transitive structure, the only device to show relations between words is their syntactic position, wherein the first participant precedes the verb positionally and the second participant follows the predicate, which corresponds with the SVO order in a verbal sentence — thereat, direct object is introduced in the postposition without
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