Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 2
Литературы стран Дальнего Востока и ЮВА: прошлое и настоящее Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. Vol. 1. 2018 165 This paper aims at defining the main trends in usage of traditional elements and illustrating them with examples. The main trends which we may find are as follows: 1) Plots and elements of plots; 2) Symbols, metaphors, allusions; 3) Structural specifics, models, space and time patterns; 4) Patterns of consciousness and understanding the world. Below we will consider some representative examples according to the groups named above. 1. Plots and elements of plots Pre-modern plots attract interest of contemporary authors, mostly playwrights and masters of prose. “Tale of Simcheong” 㕂㼃㩚 Simcheong-jeon , “KuUnMong” ῂ㤊ⴓ and other famous prose works lay the foundation for various works of the 20 th century and on. In such works as play “Why Simcheong plunged into the sea twice?” “ 㕂㼃㧊 ⓪G㢲G⚦⻞G㧎╏㑮㠦Gⴎ㦚G▮㪢⓪ṖˉG Simcheongi-neun wae dubeon indangsu-e mom-eul deonjeonneunga by Oh Tas-seok, plays and “Moon, moon, bright moon…” “ ╂㞚SG╂㞚SG㦖G╂㞚 …” “ Dara, dara, balgeun dara …” and “When and as whom do we meet again” “ 㠊❪㠊㍲Gⶊ㠝㧊G♮㠊GⰢ⋮⨊ ” Eodi-eseo mueos-I dweeo man- narya by Choe In-hun , novel «Ku Un Mong” by the same author the key characters are known by the originals (“Tale of Simcheong”, story of Ondal 㡾╂ Ondal , “Ku Un Mong” respectively).At the same time, the play focuses not on these characters but on the reality surrounding them, and the fact that characters are familiar to the most of readers adds to the meaning of the space in between the lines as well as of the work in general 1 . In poetry, there are also a few examples of poems basing on some traditional story, mostly originally written in prose. One of the most known poems of this kind belong to the works of a prominent poet Seo Jeong-ju (1915–2000), and in the paper we will concentrate on this particular case.Among Seo’s early poems there is a cycle “Excerpt from Silla” 㔶⧒㽞G Sillacho (1960) dealing with events and plots of the ancient state Silla. Some of them base on literature of the same period, e.g. poem relating to the story of Lady Suro 㑮⪲㧎 Suro buin , included in “Samguk yusa” ㌒ῃ㥶㌂ and a hyangga poem, which is a part of it. Another example is the same author’s several poems on Chunhyang— the most famous character of pre-modern Korean prose and the main figure of the “Tale of Chunhyang” 㿮䟻㩚 Chunhyang-jeon . Poem about Suro follows the historical record and structurally contains Korean translations of “Samguk yusa”, hyangga text and words of Lady Suro. In the origi- 1 Traditional Elements in Contemporary Korean Culture // Korean Peninsula. Lessons of History. Proceedings of the 14th academic Conference of Korean Studies Researchers of Russia and CIS. Moscow. Institute of the Far East, Russian Academy of Sciences. 2010. («Традиционное в новом» в современной корейской культуре// Корейский полуостров. Уроки истории. Доклады, представленные на XIV научной конференции корееведов России и стран СНГ, ИДВ РАН, 2010).
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