Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 1
Новые вопросы изучения классической китайской литературы... Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. Vol. 1. 2018 201 in a hundred plans of a fool there for sure must be one brilliant. So they say: the wise one finds sense [even] in the words of an insane” ( 㠓㚎Ც㘵ॳឞˈᗵᴹ аཡ˗ᝊ㘵ॳឞˈᗵᴹаᗇDŽ᭵ᴠþ⣲ཛѻ䀰ˈ㚆Ӫ✹ÿ ) [Shi ji ( ਢ䁈 , Grand scribe's record), juan 92, — 18 , V. 2, 1161]. The expression “yi de” ( аᗇ ), “the only success [of an unfortunate]” became after it one of the leading idioms in the Chinese intellectual stratum, giving birth to a great many phenomena of the traditional culture of the officials (like famous “Yi de ge”, аᗇ䯓 ) and must have been dear to Pu Songling’s heart, waiting for his golden fortune for the whole career. Thus, the conclusions of the survey may be summarized as follows: 1. The two short-stories “Hail God” by Pu Songling, being placed in different ends of “Liaozhai zhiyi”, show his particular concern on the described matter. 2. Neither the records of the living tradition of popular religious practices, nor the most comprehensive literary corpuses, keep any evidence of real worship of such a deity. 3.The plots of the two novelettes involve historic records of Li Zuoche and bring forward the idea of retribution for talent, even once rejected. 4. No less important is the idea of showing respect to a talent in spite of the social position as well as reprobation of arrogance of men of higher standing. 5. As a hypothesis here may be put forward a statement, that the later local reli- gious tradition, associated with the God of Hail, could have been initiated by the stories of Pu Songling, and not vice versa. Bibliography English 1. Doolittle J. Social Life of the Chinese —With Some Account of the Religious, Governmental, Educational, and Business Customs and Opinions. With Special But Not Exclusive Reference to Fuchchau. NewYork: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1865. V. 1–2. 949 p. 2. DuBose, Hampden C. The Dragon, Image, and Demon, or: The Three Religions of China: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism: Giving an Account of the Mythology, Idolatry and Demonolatry of the Chinese. London: S. W. Partridge and Co. 1886. 468 p. 3. Groot J. J. M. de. The religious system of China, its ancient forms, evolution, history and present aspect, manners, custom and social institutions connected therewith. Leyden: E. J. Brill. V. 1–6. 2811 p. Russian 5. Баранов И. Г. Верования и обычаи китайцев. М.: Муравей-Гайд, 1999. 304 с.: илл. 6. Попов П. С. Китайский Пантеон. С десятью таблицами. (Доложено в засе- дании Историко-филологического отделения 15 февраля 1906 г.) // Сборник Музея по антропологии и этнографии при Императорской академии наук [т. 1], вып. 6. Санкт-Петербург: Типография Императорской Академии Наук, 1907. XII + 88 с., 10 л. илл.
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