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Новые вопросы изучения классической китайской литературы... Issues of Far Eastern Literatures. Vol. 1. 2018 183 written in youth makes me, more mature, regret it. But if I read later what I’ve created just now — will I not feel alike? Therefore, I wrote a couple of words to inspire myself, described my hardships.” [4; p.1] This is the foreword that represents a short autobiography with the dates (in sexagenary cycle terms), when events important to the poet happened. Straight after the poet’s death in 1783, his best friend Hong Liangji began writing “AShort Biography of the DeceasedMaster Huang.” However, this is not a nianpu —a chronological biography arranged by years — not a strict official document. Huang’s biographies written by Zuo Fu (1751- 1833) and Wang Chang (1752– 1806), who knew the poet personally, and short biographies written by book collectors Wang Qishu and Wu Lanxiu were also released after Huang’s death. In 1847, Mao Qingshan ( ∋ᒶழ ) of Wuxian and Ji Xichou ( ᆓ䭑⮤ ) of Taicang began printing Huang’s nianpu — a chronological biography— at a private printing house of Mao’s family. In the afterword, Mao wrote: “When I was twenty, I talked to master Zhao Shou`an of Piling—he said there were many people in our region who wrote poems brilliantly. Master Hanyong  1 can be named first. I was preparing to pass examinations for the juren degree then — therefore, I did not have time to read Huang’s poems thoroughly. Later, I was learning to write guti shi and jinti shi poems in contemporary and ancient style with other students — that is when I bought the ‘Lian Dang Xuan’collection and read it. It contained the most excellent poems that had ever been. Indeed, he is an outstanding poet. When there was time, I was selecting the best — about forty percent — they lay on my desk and I was constantly rereading them. Xu Danyin of Songling saw these selected poems and liked them very much; he called them immortal works. However, since ancient times all collections of poems also featured chronological biographies — nianpu — starting from Li Bo, Du Fu, Han Yu and Bo Juyi. Therefore, master Xu took the xingzhuang  2 written by taishi 3 Hong Liangji and brought it to chronological order, but unfortunately did not manage to finish it. So I took on to continue the work started by master Xu, went through the poems and arranged chronologically those ones, for which the year of creation could be specified. I also revised records about people, with whomHuang was connected and who were mentioned in poems, and wrote down information on them; however, the work had not been finished. Zhao Shou`an had died by that time — therefore, I could not seek for his advice. Then I heard that 1 Huang Jingren’s second name. 2 A short biography of a deceased. 3 A member of the Hanlin Academy, academician.