Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Часть 1
Секция 2 • Panel 2 Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока. Т. 1. 2018 182 того, чтобы скрывать свое авторство и тем самым расширять круг читате- лей или, напротив, он был известен под этими именами в той узкой среде ученой элиты, на которую и ориентировался? Были ли высокой стоимость печатных изданий хуабэнь и каков был их тираж? На все эти вопросы еще предстоит ответить. Mitkina Evgenia (SPbSU, Russia) The History of Creation of the Qing Poet Huang Jingren's Biographies This article is devoted to the history of creation of different biographies of Qing dynasty poet Huang Jingren. The first full chronological biography arranged by years was compiled by Mao Qingshan and Ji Xichou in 1847. A landmark work “Materials on Huang Zhongze studies” of the poet’s descendant, Huang Baoshu ( 哴㩶ṁ ) , who brought together all known at that point of time materials on his famed ancestor, was published in 1983. In a new century several comprehensive biographies were published, and it shows that personality of the poet still attracts researchers' attention. Keywords : Chinese literature, Qing dynasty literature, Qing dynasty, Huang Jingren. Huang Jingren ( 哴Ჟӱ , or Huang Zhongze 哳Ԣࡷ , 1748–1783) is a famous, singular Qing poet of the second half of the 18 th century, who did not belong to any poetic school or group of that time. His life path was full of rigors and had a significant impact on his worldview formation and on general emotional component of the majority of works. Facts of Huang Jingren’s biography allow to understand how his moral, intellectual and creative personality was forming and developing, as well as who exerted the greatest influence on him as a poet. Therefore, the work on the poet’s biography began virtually immediately after his unfortunate death by disease. In fact, the first biography of Huang Jingren was written… by Huang Jingren himself. In 1775, when Huang was 27, he decided to unite manuscripts of all his poems, having prefaced them with a short foreword: “I am in a low state of health, tired and thin, whereas I am only twenty seven. It is hard to breathe, I cannot draw myself straight, I keep remembering places I visited — they all cheered and dazed me. All this reflected in my poems. I fear, however, that due to the poverty, diseases and continuous travels part of the manuscripts will be lost. Therefore, I decided to put them together; out of ten, only two or three survived. I asked an old friend to bring them in order. What was
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